3d dot game heroes characters
3d dot game heroes characters

3d dot game heroes characters 3d dot game heroes characters

So granted, 3DGH is great to look with a difficulty curve that rises sharply to reward mastering its controls and perspective. Hopefully, these glitches should be sorted in the final release.


It's also worth mentioning that the trial version we reviewed was prone to crashing at regular intervals and the graphics took a noticeable frame-rate hit in some battles. However, because this overworld is so visually featureless you soon feel punished for the developer's shortcomings than your own, while formulaic dungeon design soon makes these stages seem repetitive. The game takes the form of an overworld punctuated by dungeons the former filled with hidden dangers but hiding gold and other bonus items. You can also unlock other weapons by locating orbs, spread across six themed dungeon areas, so expect to collect speed boots, bombs, bows and grappling hooks, some of which are essential to negotiating the level that follows and the Boss character waiting at the end. These are wielded by using the analogue stick to swing and range from your basic prodder to enormous, Soul-Calibur style weapons that can dominate the screen if your health is sufficient. Disappointingly, despite coming in many breeds (ninja, dragon, mage etc) they all move and fight in much the same way, with swords being the weapon of choice. Before you even start, you can select from a large range of Lego-like designs, editing them pixel by pixel if you choose. The plot takes the familiar Japanese arcade adventure format, as your chunky pixellated hero tries to stop the dark king Onyx from conquering a 2D world reluctantly forced into the 3D age. Best seen as a homage to the 8-bit era, with gameplay firmly rooted in the NES classic Legend of Zelda, 3DDGH looks and plays like nothing else around at the moment. W ith the current fascination with the 80s, 3D Dot Game Heroes seems a timely if low-key arrival.

3d dot game heroes characters